Year 11 examinations

Dear Parents/Guardians, As you are aware, Year 11 GCSEs examinations begin today, Monday 15th May. From tomorrow onwards, students will follow an exam timetable whereby they will be in school to attend key revision sessions, lessons as directed by their teachers and sit their exams. All students should be in correct full school uniform at all times. The last exam is Monday 26th June, after which students will no longer be required to attend school. Students attending the Southern Consortium may be required for 16+ induction after this date. Students should enquire at the sixth form for more information. Please advise your son/daughter to bring the correct equipment, including a calculator where necessary, for each exam; all pencil cases should be clear. All mobile phones and other devices should be deactivated and left in their bags. All students should arrive at least 15 minutes before their examinations in correct full school uniform. In the event of any issues which arise, please contact the school as quickly as possible. May I take this opportunity to wish all our students every success at this important time. Yours faithfully Janis Davies Principal Please download the exam and revision timetable below: